DEAFBEEF began an as art project in 2020 at the start of the COVID 19 pandemic. I emerged after 7 years living under a rock while my kids were young, to discover that modular synthesizers had come back into style. Having a background in electrical engineering, sound recording and music, I was excited the culture of synths had re-emerged. However, there was a certain amount of consumerism in the new culture, and I decided to take an alternative ascetic approach of using 'nothing' to make music, rather than sink time and money into expensive hardware that many seemed to view as magical "black boxes". Nor did I want to upgrade my 10 year old laptop to be able to run the latest DAWs. I opted instead to rebuild from scratch, using only a cheap laptop running Linux, emacs text editor and a C compiler. The intent is to work at a fundamental level, scrawling numbers directly into digital storage media later to be interpreted as sound and images.

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Chronophotograph 152

0xDEAFBEEF Chronophotograph 152
  • Collection nameChronophotograph
  • Collection total items265
  • Collection link
  • Artwork link